Tracifier brings visibility and control to supply chains building an automated traceability management platform using blockchain technology and NFTs.


Lack of visibility & control in supply chains create opportunity for fraud.

  • Having visibility in supply chains is costly and cause companies to lose 5% of their YOY to controls.
  • Data are siloed in companies. That causes the validation of transactions to take a longer time & 40% of the food be wasted.
  • 82% of global companies were impacted by fraud due to the Paper-based documentation in supply chains from 2018-2020.


Tracifier brings visibility and control to supply chains building an automated supply chain traceability management platform.

  • Enable full visibility using IoT that results in 50% increased efficiency for manufacturers.
  • Develop an independent data-sharing platform that enhances communication for 20% -37% for suppliers using BC.
  • Making reports tamper-proof and authenticate using NFT labelling reduces fraud by 27%-40%.

Get Connected on with your trusted supply network and exchange data in a shared ledger of documentation using the Tracifier platform..


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